
we ran, we ran so fast, our hands clenched together like they were about to merge.

I could feel the wind on my face, I could barely feel my legs but we kept running, and running. I could feel your gaze, I could hear your laugh. The world around us a blur, the sounds around us non-existent.

earlier that day the world was the same, a collection of mistakes, of wrong turns.

and then a smile, a beautifully white smile on a dark parking lot of a distant city.

how crazy must I have been? thank goodness.

a sandwich later, smalltalk and that smile, and the gaze, the piercing gaze of those black eyes.

how you hugged me with every look, with every touch, with every laugh.

we left together.

we spent time together.

we were so right, so close, so similar.

and then, nothingness.

I'm back to the world.

but I wish I would've grabbed you when I could...

and we would run, we would run so fast feeling the wind on our face, feeling each other's gazes letting the entire world turn into a blur around us.

never looking back.

but life is only what life can be: a collection of mistakes, of wrong turns.

some of them are my fault, maybe not this one.

maybe this one.