
The sound of rustling feathers made me wake up.

It was quiet and it was dark, the kind of dark that makes you wonder if your eyes are open or not, the kind of dark that makes you question if you'll ever see light again.

I was calm, even though I wasn't really sure where I was, how I happened to be there and what was actually going on. I could hear me breathing, I could feel my heart beating... it didn't take long for the rusting sound be heard again. What was that?

I positioned my face towards where I thought the sound was coming from... a muted blue light suddenly started to glow not far from me, it seemed to emanate from what looked like a ball, or a stone.

The light grew larger and brighter, and as my eyes became used to it I could make out what was carrying it: Hands. I jumped when I noticed someone was holding it... my sudden movement seemed to have scared the light itself... and it flashed brighter for a second.

Hands holding a ball of muted light, a dark figure was looking back at me, I couldn't make out the features of the face, I couldn't even be sure if it was a man or a woman, all I could see were bright blue eyes staring. The most beautiful gaze.

I felt cold all of the sudden It wasn't a breeze, it was like stepping into a freezer.

I wanted to say something but I couldn't. The figure moved it's hands towards me, cradling the light like an offering. The light flashed for a second as I heard the rustling of feathers again... there it was.

The figure had enormous dark blue wings, they weren't fully open but they were magnificent.

I stepped towards it. Guided by the light.

I was happy.

I was free.